Notebook » digital media // A Look Inside U.S. International Media Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:37:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Behind the Scenes: April Deibert // // Thu, 07 Mar 2013 16:30:00 +0000 pubaff //

April tours Voice of America headquarters in the Wilbur J. Cohen Building,  Washington, D.C.


“When I first started working for the Office of Digital & Design Innovation, I was given a tour of VOA headquarters by one of my supervisors.  It was great to get a historical perspective of the agency and to see the Cold War-era building it is housed in (that still has rooms that were used as potential nuclear fallout shelters and beautiful vintage brass escalators), and to meet and interview interesting on-air staff, editors and producers.

Getting an overall feeling for how each department operated separately and then together helped shape my perspective on what ODDI’s role is to facilitate the use of innovative technologies to reach different global populations. I’ve learned that the strategy behind what appears to be a simple production to the public can go far deeper and be far more intellectual than what an information consumer may realize.  The BBG is unique because it uses research to localize social media for its many global audiences.”

April Deibert is a contractor working on multimedia blogging and production for the Office of Digital and Design Innovation.  You can find some of her work on their website.

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VOA Pinterest Board celebrates 70 years of Service // // Sat, 12 Jan 2013 20:12:09 +0000 pubaff // VOA’s Pinterest Board

Click here to see VOA’s highlights of 2012, including memorable news stories, cultural features and updates on VOA journalists.

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A look inside VOA Indonesian Service with Ade Astuti // // Fri, 16 Nov 2012 13:18:49 +0000 pubaff //

Ade Astuti

Ade Astuti has been in the news business for nearly 10 years.  At the BBG, she’s been employed in a wide range of capacities—everything from Reporter to Producer to her current position as New Media Manager.

In this role, she took on exclusive responsibility for managing the digital and social media, including mobile apps, of VOA Indonesian Service.

Read more about Astuti and her work at VOA Indonesia on BBG’s Innovation Series blog.

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